The following eight points show the key biblical policies we follow:


Holy Scriptures

We acknowledge the supreme authority of the Bible. In all matters of what we believe (faith) and what we do (practice), our sole and final authority is the written Word of God. The church life is not governed by tradition or modernity, not by man’s opinion or sentiment, nor by pragmatism, but by the written Word of God alone.


Gospel Preaching

We believe in the universal tender of salvation, also called the free offer of the Gospel, dedicating one ¬service every Sunday to persuasive evangelistic preaching, and praying that God will use this for the salvation of precious souls. Evangelism is a ¬foremost duty for us, embracing evangelistic Sunday Schools, youth outreach, and other measures described in this document.


Doctrines of Grace

We hold onto the Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) and the glorious doctrines of grace articulated therein. We do not equate this confession to the Holy Scriptures, but we hold onto it as a faithful expression of what we believe the Bible clearly teaches; and because it contains systematic summaries of the glorious doctrines of grace (in the reformed faith, often summarised as the ‘five points of Calvinism’).


Biblically-Regulated Worship

We believe that worship must be line with the clear teaching of the Bible. The revealed “truth” of Scripture limits the worship of God to what is prescribed in Scripture. Worship is to be glorious and reverent, lifting up our hearts and minds in praise, thanksgiving, repentance, dedication, intercession, and the hearing of God’s Word. It is not intended to entertain, as though the house of God were a theatre or dance-hall, but to bring us to appreciate the Holy! Holy! Holy! God.


Working Church

We try to honour the ¬concept of the working church, which means that all true believers serve the Lord, if it is possible for them to do so, joining together in activities to bring glory to Him. With this emphasis a church may carry out large outreach efforts, Sunday School ministry, and so on. Christians are not just a ‘Sunday audience,’ but a company of committed, dedicated workers for the Lord.


Biblical Separation

We believe that the Lord’s people must keep themselves clear from worldliness and false teaching. This is the doctrine of biblical separation. False teaching denies the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, as well as other fundamental doctrines of the faith. True churches must defend and preserve the Truth at all costs never compromising the only way of salvation.


The Prayer Meeting

We believe in the great importance of prayer, and maintain the church Prayer Meeting as a ¬distinctive weeknight meeting. Without the blessing of God in answer to prayer, all our witness would be in vain. Corporate prayer is paramount.


Wider Ministries

We hold that the ¬’local church’ (that is, every individual -congregation) is designed by God to carry out many tasks. Therefore ‘wider’ ministries, such as missions, the training of preachers, and the issuing of literature, should be undertaken by individual churches if the Lord leads and enables them.

These points do not, of course, cover all the duties of a church, but give readers a ¬picture of the tradition in which Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Accra stands. If the Lord pours out His blessing upon us, then the inspiring words of William Brock will continue to be fulfilled in our day:

“We rejoice because of what will be done by the preaching of Christ here. We know that the place will be the birthplace of precious souls through successive generations. We know that the place will be like a great human heart, throbbing and pulsating with benevolence obtained directly from the cross of Christ. And this great heart will propel far and near a thousand influences which shall be for glory to God in the highest, for peace on earth, and good will toward men. It will be none other than the house of God and the very gate of Heaven.”